Without giving away too many of our trade secrets, we like
to take a comprehensive, detailed approach. We don’t just take a fine-toothed comb to their emails, but their program as a whole, both as it stands, and how we plan on kicking it up a notch in the near, medium, and longer term.
Before we touch a single piece of a new client’s email program, we plunge headfirst into the data - we pull all metrics available to us, crunch the numbers, identify key areas of improvement via a SWOT-style analysis, and let the fun begin. Of course, we have open and direct discussions right off the bat with our new client - beating around the bush on what they can improve and what we can do doesn’t help anyone, so we’re direct on where the low-hanging fruit lies, where we can score more difficult but super valuable wins, and how the overall program should be structured. Everything is open to discussion and nothing is left off the table. From here, we, along with the client, craft our plan for the next few months, outlining in detail where we’ll start, where we expect to be in a few months’ time, and how much stronger the program will be in the longer term. Needless to say, no stone is left unturned while we perform our initial audit and comprehensive program outline.
Day in and day out, we’re in the thick of it - checking list growth, campaign data, automation reports, you name it. We’re constantly critiquing each and every message, data point, and detail looking to increase our clients’ programs even if by the smallest of margins. Why? Our success is their success, we’re a competitive bunch, and we absolutely crave excellence in everything we do; our client’s programs are no exception. Plus, if we’re being totally honest, our clients are some of the most badass, honest, and awesome people we’ve ever met, and we want to do a bang-up job for them on a human level too. Really, they’re incredible folks and their businesses deserve the best, which we aim to give them each and every day.